Expanding Marshland for Wildlife and Bay Water Quality
The Marshland around Mission Bay is an important part of the local bay ecosystem. The Mission Bay Marshes are home to unique birds and fish adapted to the brackish water where the bay and Rose Creek meet. Marshes act as filters, absorbing nutrients from streams, and act as a protective home for plants and animals. Marshes provide a shelter for coastline - slowing erosion caused by the tides.
Mission Bay Marshes are home to a variety of birds and animals. The marsh provides a valuable food source for migratory birds as they make their way up the coast. According to friends of Mission Bay Marshes - birds spotted at the marsh include ducks, cormorants, herons, hawks, plovers, hummingbirds, and the clapper-rail. At least 144 species from 38 families have been described within the marshes of Mission Bay. Unfortunately it is difficult for the community to appreciate the beauty on its doorstep because trails are underdeveloped near the marsh.
Expanding Marshes and Opportunities to Enjoy Them
Under the Mission Bay Gateway Plan, marshland and the associated Bird Sanctuary would be expanded into the area now home to Campland. Rose creek would be diverted, feeding through the new marshland providing more unique brackish habitat. The expanded marshland will help improve the water quality of the Bay.
The Mission Bay Gateway project also proposes the expansion of biking and walking trails and scenic overlooks along the edges of the Marshland and the construction of a Nature Interpretive Center. These elements will allow the public to enjoy and appreciate the unique marsh ecosystem and will raise awareness of environmental issues. The Marsh will become a unique hands-on learning opportunity for Mission Bay High School Students as well.
Funding Marsh Restoration
Restoring the Marshland is an important part of the Mission Bay Gateway project and funding it will be relatively easy. Many groups sucha as SANDAG, the port authority, CalTrans and others are looking for mitigation projects they can fund to balance their encroachments in other areas. There should be plenty of funding to expand the marshland without additional cost to the public.